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About Copyglow & the Webmaster

Hi and welcome to – this site is run by myself David O’Toole, from Dublin, Ireland. I’m a copywriter with a creative background in video, music, digital marketing, and website building.

What is Copywriting?

Now people often ask me “what is a copywriter?”. Well ‘copy’, as it’s called in the business, is basically another way of writing ‘words and sentences’. Putting up arguments, pointing out benefits, pushing for a sale, making a sale, increasing list subscriptions. It’s a fascinating (and lucrative) world. It includes Headlines, Web Content, Technical, Creative, PR .. in fact, anything you see and read on the web or on paper, that’s copy.

More Than Words

But, copywriting is a special type of writing which normally has to do with sales and persuasion. It’s an art-form in itself. It needs to be studied. It’s got a lot to do with psychology, plus it’s scientifically proven to get results. Great copywriting can truly multiply your sales and signups by very large margins.

So if you’re into selling things online, hire yourself a great copywriter. There’s a lot more to it than just ‘words‘. In fact, it is one of the very foundations on which communication is built upon. There are many forms of Copy, but the one we’re interested in on this blog is, the art of Sales Copy.

Transition Time

I made the transition from musician and lyric writer to copywriting a few years ago when I needed to make a career change.

For those wishing to see who they’re dealing with, here’s a quick video of me playing some electric guitar. Proving that I’m not a robot :).

Since then I moved into digital marketing (which I started doing around that time too), and nowadays I’m a copywriter. I write copy based on my real-world experiences in the digital marketing arena.

I’m a qualified copywriter, with a college diploma in digital marketing, and I also deal with copywriting creatives such as graphics and marketing videos.

Digital Marketing Copywriter

I specialize in writing copy for the digital marketing field and that includes the likes of:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • SEO Marketing
  • Brochure Copywriting
  • Flyer Design & Copywriting
  • Multi-Media Design & Copywriting
  • Video Scripts
  • Musician Copywriting / Guitar Copywriting
  • Copywrite Repair Shop
  • Facebook and Social Media Platform Ads
  • Website Copywriting Services

Professional and Easy to Work With

I only know one way to do things and that’s to do as professional a job as I can. That’s how I was brought up, thanks and love to my folks. I’m easy to get on with (you have to be to work in the music-band industry believe me lol).

So that all applies to my copywriting service too. I won’t be happy until a client is happy and gets what they are looking for, and in many cases beyond that. It’s a simple setup that works for both me and my clients. Get the job done right and keep everyone happy.

Contact Me & Let’s Talk

Well now you know a little bit about me, I’d love to hear about you and what you’re looking for or need to get done. Whether it’s a Facebook Ad,  a copy-powered promo video, sales or webpage or Post, maybe creative graphics, eMail copy, a newsletter … let me know and we can start a chat. You can reach me through the contact form below, no-obligation, get a free consultation.

Contact Form

    I really look forward to hearing from you and providing you with a stellar, professional copywriting service. Thanks for reading, talk soon